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No web mastery or coding skills required to leverage our tools. Just copy and paste to link to desired products, popular categories, favourites, best sellers, search results pages and banners – with many options available.
Product Links
Direct users to a specific product on VegaVend and display detailed information about it. Create personalised text links, text and image links, or image-only links to VegaVend products.
Elevate your product links with product image previews, or utilise our ready-made promotional and announcement banners.
Social Media Links
Link a specific product on VegaVend or generate a link of your choice and share it to any social media platform you choose.

Example Link:
QR Codes
You can even download QR codes with your links for use on any printed materials, signs, Apps, sites etc.
Standard Commission
To keep everything clear and simple the commission rate is 3%
Bonus Commission
In addition to the standard commission you can earn bonus commissions when certain benchmarks are reached.
Reach a total of £750.00 in earned commissions and get a £250.00 bonus commission.
Recurring Quarterly
Reach a total of £3,000.00 in earned commissions in any given quarter and get a £500.00 bonus commission.
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