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The fashion industry is a rapidly growing industry with a lot of potential and there has been a lot of talk of Fast Fashion vs Traditional Fashion. Traditional fashion is often seen as being more luxurious and of a better quality whereas fast fashion is thought to be cheaper but more accessible to the masses.
The rise in popularity of fast fashion has made it difficult for traditional brands to compete. Fast Fashion brands are able to produce clothes at a much faster rate than traditional brands. This means that they can offer new styles much quicker than their competitors. This has led to fast-fashion becoming the dominant force in the industry as it offers customers more variety and affordability.
Traditional Fashion
Traditional fashion has been around for centuries, with the first records of it dating back to Ancient Greece. The industry is one that has seen many changes over the years. From the invention of synthetic fabrics to the rise of fast fashion chains. A word that has been used in fashion for a long time and used to represent past styles and trends, but also to be more in touch with the history of fashion. Seen as a way to find inspiration from the past, but also as a way to bring back old styles and trends.
What is fast fashion?
Fast fashion is a term used within the fashion industry to describe clothing lines that are produced quickly and cheaply.
The fast fashion industry has had a lot of criticism over the years. These brands are constantly producing and releasing new designs at an alarming rate. At times this leads to poor quality clothing and a lack of sustainability practices. However, there are some companies that have been trying to change this trend.
Also criticised for its lack of quality, use of cheap materials and low-paid labour. Leading to higher rates of waste production, consumerism, and unrealistic expectations about what people should wear.
Customers are able to purchase items of clothing that are affordable and wear them for a short period of time before being discarded in favour of the next trend. The fast fashion industry is booming because people want to look fashionable, but they don’t want to spend too much money on clothes.
The textile industry is one of the biggest polluters on earth. Producing more greenhouse gases than all transportation combined with fast fashion contributing to this problem because it encourages people to buy more clothes than they need, which creates more waste.
The fashion industry has been going through some major changes over the past few years. The internet has played a huge role by allowing people around the world to share their thoughts and opinions instantaneously. Fast Fashion vs Traditional fashion will be around for some time.
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