Note: There are special packaging requirements for Alcoholic Beverages in glass bottles.

Items must be packed in a solid, six-sided box so that the product is not exposed in any way.

Examples of bad packaging where fragile products are exposed, presenting a safety hazard.


An example of good packaging where the fragile product is not exposed, and is protected from damage and the potential of presenting a safety hazard.

In packages containing multiple items, all items must be individually wrapped to prevent damage from other items within the container (for example, a set of four wine glasses) and must pass a 125cm drop test without any items breaking. A drop test consists of five drops: On the base, on the top, on the longest side, on the shortest side and on a corner. The items should not move or shake within the container, and should pass a vigorous shake test without any items breaking.

An example of bad packaging where the items can move or shake within the packaging.

An example of good packaging where the breakable items are individually wrapped and protected.

Last updated: 24 June 2024

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