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At VegaVend we believe consumer trust is paramount to the success of our marketplace and Vendors alike. For this reason, we encourage reviews from consumers on both products and that of our Vendors.
On this page
Vendor Reviews
Logged in users can leave store reviews about their experience they’ve had with a specific Vendor by navigating to the Reviews tab on the Vendor Storefront.

After the review is submitted you will receive an email notification.

Product Reviews
Seven days after a consumer places an order we send a review email in which they can review the service they received as well as the products.
In addition, logged in users can also leave product reviews on the product page itself by navigating to the reviews tab on the product page.

After the product review is submitted you will receive an email notification.

Reviews & Account Health
As we take consumer experience very seriously poor reviews can have a negative impact on you Account health. You can learn more about keeping you account in good health by navigating to Account Health.
Review Appeals
In an effort to stay as clear and transparent as possible we do not edit reviews unless they do not comply with our policies. At VegaVend we understand that not all reviews are equal and that there may be another side to a review. If you feel that you have received and unfair or untrue review and would like us to investigate the circumstances please email us at
Last updated: 24 June 2024