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On VegaVend, information about products for sale is displayed in two formats. The first is product information that is common to all listings for a single product and the second is your listing information for that product.

Product information:

These details are common to every instance of the product on VegaVend. For example, several Vendors list Bose speakers on VegaVend, so the general details about the product, such as the name and model number, are the same. When more than one Vendor contributes data to a product, VegaVend determines which Vendor’s product information will be displayed on the product detail page.

Listing information:

These are the details about the products that you sell. These details can differ from other Vendors’ listings. For example, you might sell the same Bose speakers as another Vendor, but your condition, price or handling time may be different.

You can use Manage Inventory to view and update both product and listing information.

The combination of product and listing information is referred to as item information or inventory information.

Important: When creating a new product detail page, please bear in mind that fields such as “Key-product feature” or “Product description” must not include any promotional information. Product detail pages do not belong to any individual Vendor. The product title, image and details must be specific to the product, not to any Vendor or individual Vendor promotions. For additional information, see the “List Products” topic on the page What you need to know to sell on VegaVend.

On VegaVend.com, information about your products for sale, such as the name, model number, price, quantity, and condition, is divided into two parts: product information and listing information.

Product information comprises details that are common to every instance of the product on VegaVend.com. For example, several merchants sell Bose speakers on VegaVend.com, so the general details about the product, such as the product name and model number, are the same.

The inventory listing represents the products that you sell, and these details can differ from other merchants’ listings. For example, you might sell the same Bose speakers as another merchant, but your condition note, price and/or handling time, for example, could be different.

Information that refers to all information related to a product for sale is called to as item information or inventory information.

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