On this page

The content below is for guidance only. VegaVend reserves the right to remove any listing it considers to be inappropriate for sale for any reason.

Examples of Permitted Listings

Reminder: all listings and products must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

  • Alcoholic beverages like beer, wine or hard liquors, provided they are sold only to people aged 18 years or over and you have sufficient procedures in place to verify that the customer is aged 18 years or over.
  • Chocolates containing alcohol:
    • Chocolates containing no more than 0.2 litres of alcohol (of a strength not exceeding 57% ABV) per kilogram.
    • Chocolates containing more than 57% ABV, provided they are sold only to people aged 18 years or over and you have sufficient procedures in place to verify that the customer is aged 18 years or over.

Examples of Prohibited Listings

Please note: Vendors who list prohibited items or content can have their selling permissions removed, either temporarily or permanently.

Related VegaVend Help Pages

Additional Useful Information


Age Verification on Delivery Related Guidance – Alcohol

Last updated: 20 June 2024

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