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While our site-wide selling guidelines still apply, please note the additional requirements for this category.

Vendor requirements

  • You must have a return delivery address in the local country or offer free delivery.
  • You must be able to provide local language support for Customer Service in the store in which the sale will take place.
  • You must not sell alcohol to buyers under the minimum drinking age governed under the applicable laws.
  • You must provide acceptable documentation and any other information we request about the products you intend to sell, including information to demonstrate payment of excise duties in the local country.
  • Your country of establishment must be within the UK to sell Alcoholic Beverages on VegaVend.com.

Note: You can find further information on the responsibilities of food business operators in the EU on the European Commission’s website, and information on the responsibilities of food business operators in the UK on the UK Government Food Standards Agency’s website.

Product requirements

  • The products you sell must be new.
  • Each product must have one of the following:
    • A valid GTIN registered and associated with the product
    • GTIN exemption
    • Enrolment in the Brand Registry programme
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) values displayed on all product pages.
  • All food products, including alcohol, offered for sale on a European VegaVend website must be intended for sale in the EU and comply with all applicable EU and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to food information and labelling regulations such as Regulation 1169/2011/EC.
  • All food products, including alcohol, offered for sale on a European VegaVend website must at least be labelled in the language of that website. For example, all food products offered for sale on VegaVend.de must at least be labelled in German.
  • All food products, including alcohol, offered for sale on VegaVend.co.uk must at least be labelled in English.

Important: To comply with EU policy in Germany, all products that are listed by weight, volume or length must be marked with a base price (the so-called base price policy). To display the base price correctly, VegaVend will require information about your product’s weight, volume or length.

FBV requirements

VegaVend Global Logistics cannot ship alcohol products across borders. Products that are shipped to a fulfilment centre can only be used to fulfil orders coming from customers with delivery addresses in the same country.

Products classified as Spirits cannot be sold on VegaVend.es.

When shipments are delivered to fulfilment centres in Spain, France and Italy, all bottles must be properly prepared. Bottles sold individually must be packaged in a box approved for e-commerce. If bottles are sold as a set, they must be packaged in an e-commerce approved box with dividers.

See examples below.

Excise duty requirements

Excise duty is chargeable in addition to any customs duty on certain goods, including alcohol. The requirements and level of duty payable will differ depending on the country the duty is payable in. For alcohol products, excise duty is payable in the country of consumption.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all applicable excise duties are paid on products that you offer through the Alcoholic Beverage category in the local country. This may require registration with the local tax authorities or a duty agent.

You can find more information about the payment of excise duties in the EU here: https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/taxation/excise-duties-eu/index_en.htm.

You can find out more information about the payment of excise duties in the UK here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-trade-tariff-excise-duties-reliefs-drawbacks-and-allowances/uk-trade-tariff-excise-duties-reliefs-drawbacks-and-allowances.

Special preparation of shipments containing Alcoholic Beverages 

Alcoholic Beverages  are prepared by VegaVend at specialist fulfilment centres.

The following special preparation requirements apply only to beer, wine and spirits in glass bottles. For more information on preparation requirements for all other glass, ceramic and breakable units, go to Packaging glass ceramic breakable and fragile units.

  • Bottles don’t need to be individually boxed. If bottles are received prepared, they will be re-packaged and prepared at the fulfilment centre in cases where they do not meet carrier requirements.
  • Each unit needs to be labelled with the FNSKU linked to the country-specific SKU (for example, for Germany: FNSKU X000000000/MSKU DE-FBV-SKU1). The FNSKU label should cover the manufacturer’s barcode, but must not cover any other product information on the packaging.
  • VegaVend recommends that bottles are sent on pallets or another method that ensures that individual units will not break during transport to the fulfilment centre, in accordance with FBV Shipping and routing requirements.
  • If bottles are to be sent in boxes, we require them to be closed and include only units of the same FNSKU
  • With regard to bundles (both single-product and multi-product), sellers will be responsible for sending the bundled units together in a suitable e-commerce box with the FNSKU sticker for the bundle VSIN on the outer packaging. For more details, see Product packaging requirements. Preparation services do not include picking and assembling bundles.

Note: If you are unable to label items yourself, you may be able to use the FBV Label Service for eligible products.

Document requirements

Country of establishmentLocalNon-local
VegaVend.comPersonal and premises alcohol licence
VAT information
Evidence of excise duty paid
VegaVend.com does not permit listings for Alcoholic Beverages if your country of establishment is outside the UK
VegaVend.frExcise numberFrench excise duty number of your bonded warehouse or fiscal representative in France, together with a declaration that states that you mandated such bonded warehouse keeper or fiscal representative to fulfil any obligation regarding excise duties on your behalf
VegaVend.itStandard requirement:
A copy of the extract of the Chamber of Commerce
UTIF licence: Licenza Fiscale per la vendita o somministrazione di prodotti alcolici, or Dichiarazione di vendemmia e produzione vinicola
An acknowledgement that all applicable excise duties are paid on the products that you offer through VegaVend.it
Only for small Italian wine producers:
A copy of the extract of the Chamber of Commerce
A declaration of being a small wine producer
An acknowledgement that all applicable excise duties are paid on the products that you offer through VegaVend.it
Excise duty code
An acknowledgement that you have appointed a tax representative in Italy for excise duty
UTIF licence in the name of the tax representative for excise duty: Licenza Fiscale per la vendita o somministrazione di prodotti alcolici
Country of establishment

Alcohol By Volume (ABV) listing requirements

To sell VSINs that have >0.5% ABV, you must possess licences to sell alcohol before selling them on VegaVend. The licences should permit you to sell alcohol to customers from UK premises. These ASINs are to be listed under the Alcoholic Beverage category. During the listing creation process, you will be asked to upload your licence certificates in order to unlock your selling privilege in this category.

To sell ASINs that have ≤0.5% ABV, you may be exempted by the Licensing Act 2003 from possessing licences to sell alcohol to customers from a UK premises. In this case, you will list these ASINs under the Grocery category. You must clearly state the ABV percentage on the product title and in the product attribution (alcohol content) for every ASIN.

Next steps

If you are able to meet all of the requirements listed above, click Request approval below. By clicking, you are confirming that you have reviewed the requirements above and that you want to apply to sell in the Alcoholic Beverage category. We will contact you to request any additional required information once you’ve submitted your request to sell.

Note: You must be logged in to the store in which you would like to sell (for example, if you would like to request approval to sell Alcoholic Beverage in France, you must first sign in to your VegaVend.fr account).

Request approval

Once approved, you may begin listing your products by clicking Products and then Add products.

Brexit: UK Government guidance

The UK Government released guidance on selling food and drink products first made available in the UK after December 31, 2020. We encourage you to review this guidance, alongside any other specific UK Government guidance that applies to your product. Consult your legal advisor if you have any questions about how the laws and regulations apply to your products from January 1, 2021.

Last updated: 20 June 2024

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