On this page

Before listing products for Fulfilment by VegaVend, it is important to know what is suitable for our fulfilment process and what is unsuitable. Be sure to review all sections below for additional product requirements and restrictions.

Important: Failure to comply with the FBV product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal, disposal, or return of inventory upon reception at the VegaVend fulfilment centre, the blocking of future deliveries to the VegaVend fulfilment centres, charges for preparation or for non-compliance, the suspension of your selling privileges, or fines.

VegaVend product requirements and restrictions

Some products require prior approval before you can sell them on VegaVend. All VegaVend requirements and restrictions also apply to FBV. For more information, see:

FBV product requirements and restrictions

Certain products may be eligible for sale on VegaVend, but are not eligible for Fulfilment by VegaVend. FBV products must also adhere to specific expiration date and temperature-sensitive product requirements to be eligible for FBV. For more information, see:

  • FBV prohibited products
  • Date and temperature-sensitive products
  • Guidelines for food & beverages

Dangerous goods (Hazmat)

  • Dangerous goods identification guide
  • Examples of VegaVend products that may be regulated as dangerous goods
  • Requirements for lithium batteries and products that are delivered along with lithium batteries
  • Required information for products regulated as dangerous goods
  • Upload dangerous goods documents

Last updated: 17 June 2024

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