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Comprehensive Guide to Quantitative Ingredient Declaration (QUID) for Vendors

This guide will help you understand when and how to implement Quantitative Ingredient Declaration for your products. Let’s delve into the essential QUID guidelines to ensure your listings comply with food labelling regulations.

What is QUID and Why is it Important?

QUID, or Quantitative Ingredient Declaration, refers to the practice of declaring the quantity of certain ingredients or categories of ingredients used in food products. This information is crucial for regulatory compliance and consumer transparency.

When is QUID Required?

You must provide QUID information in the following scenarios:

  • When the ingredient appears in the product name.
    If consumers typically associate the ingredient with the product.
  • When the ingredient is emphasised on the label through words, pictures, or graphics.
  • If the ingredient is essential to characterise the food and distinguish it from similar products.

QUID Exemptions

However, not all ingredients require QUID. You don’t need to provide QUID for:

  • Small quantities- Ingredients used in small quantities for flavouring.
  • Consumer choice- Ingredients that don’t govern consumer choice.
  • Already specified- Ingredients where the quantity is already specified by law.

How to Display QUID Information

To correctly display QUID information on your VegaVend listings:

  • Express the quantity as a percentage (%).
  • Place the information either in or immediately next to the product name.
  • Alternatively, include it in the ingredients list in connection with the relevant ingredient.

Calculating QUID

QUID is calculated based on the recipe at the mixing bowl stage. Divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight of all ingredients, then multiply by 100 to determine the percentage. Adjustments may be necessary for changes like moisture loss during cooking.

QUID for Concentrated or Dehydrated Products

For ingredients used in concentrated or dehydrated forms, quantities may be indicated based on their proportions before concentration or dehydration, especially if reconstitution occurs during manufacturing.

Regulatory Compliance

Remember, QUID is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. To ensure compliance, consult the Food Standards Agency guidelines for the most up-to-date information.

Additional information

By following these QUID guidelines, you’ll not only comply with regulations but also provide transparent information to VegaVend customers. Consequently, this can lead to increased trust and a stronger reputation on the platform.

Last updated: 28 June 2024

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